Thursday, February 4, 2010

France Telecom VP on Google Voice (OTT VoIP)

Mr Georges Penalver, Senior Executive VP FRANCE TELECOM ORANGE, strategic marketing and Orange Labs was interviewed by the Israeli paper Calcalist (in Hebrew - here).

Question: “How France Telecom will handle competitive services, such as Google Voice ?"

Mr. Penalver: “ Regarding VoIP calls outside home – this is a tough question, as it is more an economic question rather than a technological issue. VoIP services are actually free to the subscribers, but they load the cellular network with internet traffic. This brings a question – who will pay for this traffic and maintaining its quality? At the end of the day, VoIP services destroy value as they do not pay for the infrastructure they use – and this is the reason we do not believe in such services. This is like getting a luxury car for free, with no roads to use it with."

This is the core of the Network Neutrality debate !

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