So who leads this market? for example which vendor was selected by Verizon Wireless, one the world's largest MNOs and strong believer in shared data plans (see "Verizon: Why Shared Data Plans are Good for Our Business" - here)?
Sarah Reedy (pictured) reports to Light Reading that Verizon Wireless recent shared data plans are based on its own development!
"Behind the scenes, as it manages almost 100 million subscribers on its network, Verizon's Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) must be tied to its billing systems and the data from all the devices on all the plans it manages must be compiled, managed and reconciled to avoid billing mistakes. The cost of making things easier for consumers is that you make things complicated somewhere along the way .. And what vendor is Verizon entrusting with this complex policy management? No one, actually. We asked, and a Verizon spokeswoman led us to believe the move to share data plans, and all the complexity it brings, is handled by Verizon".
Sarah also mentions Tekelec, as a PCRF (and Diameter signaling router) supplier to Verizon's LTE network (see "How does/will Verizon Wireless Use Tekelec's Diameter Router?" - here).
See "Verizon Manages Its Own Data Destiny" - here.
See "Verizon Manages Its Own Data Destiny" - here.
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