Going forward, Comptel Policy Control Solution will play an important role as a part of Hitachi’s network solutions for Traffic Management and Network Function Virtualisation".
HITACHI’S TMS (Traffic Management Solution) CONCEPT (here)

telecommunications. In terms of its role in managing the rapidly growing volumes of data communications traffic, ICT is being called on to satisfy the following two requirements.
(1) Optimization of investment: expanding data communications traffic and data storage capacity at low cost.
(2) Innovation: promoting business innovation and helping establish and expand new businesses.
A TMS is a solution for collecting information on the traffic between people, machines, and systems,
and for performing analysis and control based on specific objectives. With the TMS playing a core
role, Hitachi uses ICT solutions that incorporate a variety of technologies to implement features such as network virtualization, and to deliver innovation and optimize investment in user ICT systems belonging to telecommunications operators or to transportation, distribution, local government, or other service providers. These technologies include software-defined networks (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), and M2M (see Fig. 1).
In the case of telecommunications operators, for example, for whom dealing with the growth in traffic volumes is an urgent issue, Hitachi can optimize investment in telecommunications equipment by using a TMS to provide fine-grained and realtime bandwidth control for each user, and techniques for making effective use of available bandwidth, such as data offloading and data compression.
Hitachi also brings innovations to telecommunications operators’ ICT systems by, for example, helping them identify changes in user needs, provide new services, and establish new business models through the analysis of realtime traffic data along with their customer and other stored data.
See "Comptel and Hitachi Entered into Reselling Partnership for Comptel Policy Control" - here.
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