According to Dan Deeth, Sandvine, post to the vendor's blog,
Econet Wireless' offering of WhatsApp and Facebook bundles [see "
Econet Wireless [Zimbabwe] Uses Sandvine for Application-based Charging" -
here] is "
continuing to out-maneuver and out-innovate competitors. These unlimited bundles allow subscribers to purchase unlimited usage of their favorite service for a day, week, or monthly for a low fee ..In the short time they have been available, adoption of these bundles has been incredible for Econet. .. WhatsApp accounted for over 23% of total network traffic in March 2014. Since that time, adoption of these plans, as well as WhatsApp traffic has continued to accelerate thanks to positive word of mouth as well as the launch of new budget-friendly smartphones .. competing [
Telecel Zimbabwe]
networks have begun to offer similar plans in Zimbabwe".
See "
More of WhatsAppening in Zimbabwe" -
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