Thursday, May 30, 2013

Akamai Integrates Verivue's Operator's CDN

Following the acquisition of Verivue, Akamai Technologies (see "Akamai Acquires Verivue to Offer Licensed CDN" - here) is now integrating the acquired technology into its Aura - the operator CDN (OCDN) solution.

The CDN vendor announced that ".. Recognizing that operators have different requirements driving their CDN deployments, the Aura Network Solutions suite is comprised of two distinct OCDN product lines – Aura Lumen (licensed CDN) and Aura Spectra (Software-as-a-Service CDN). This model is designed to maximize flexibility in how operators deploy the solution and, in turn, increase the value of their OCDN investment. Further, the integration of products obtained through Akamai's acquisition of Verivue has allowed Akamai to deliver Aura Lumen as a comprehensive solution that can be owned and run by the operator, giving them greater control of their investment.
  • Aura Lumen: A Licensed CDN (LCDN) software suite based on CDN technology obtained through the Verivue acquisition. Designed to run on standard commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware or preapproved Virtual Machine (VM) environments, Aura Lumen includes a number of software components intended to meet the critical requirements of an LCDN deployment. 
  • Aura Spectra: A SaaS CDN suite providing operators with media CDN capabilities that can be deployed quickly and with far less upfront investment required with a traditional DIY model. Aura Spectra is based on Akamai's CDN software technology and includes the following SaaS components:
See "Akamai Introduces New Elements to Aura Network Solutions Family" - here.