See "Astellia's IP Probe" - here and "Alfa (Lebanon) Uses Openwave for Traffic Shaping" - here.
Astellia's Usage Analytics integrates "Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology to examine the data traffic flow and analyze the protocol and applications being used for any session such as Youtube, Facebook, and Skype".
Assaad Abousleiman, Alfa’s CTO said: “.. Astellia’s 3G+ monitoring solution will allow us to proactively address any quality problems on our 3G+ network and analyze hidden network issues .. This will enhance the efficiency and performance of our network and result in offering our entire base of subscribers of 1.7 million with a first class Quality of Experience (QoE)"
See "Alfa selects Astellia to optimize its 3G+ network quality of experience (QoE) and performance" - here.
Assaad Abousleiman, Alfa’s CTO said: “.. Astellia’s 3G+ monitoring solution will allow us to proactively address any quality problems on our 3G+ network and analyze hidden network issues .. This will enhance the efficiency and performance of our network and result in offering our entire base of subscribers of 1.7 million with a first class Quality of Experience (QoE)"
See "Alfa selects Astellia to optimize its 3G+ network quality of experience (QoE) and performance" - here.
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