In the recent weeks we have seen some stories on the relations built between major operators (mainly the European incumbents) and global content providers (mainly Google/YouTube) - see examples here (FT) and here (DT), including some ideas about new business models that may or may not fit the Net Neutrality directions in Europe and US.

See "Three ways Google can work with mobile operators to relieve network congestion" - here.
The 3 ways presented by Allot are:
- content providers compensate operators for the traffic they consume on their networks through revenue sharing deals .. operators could make such agreements more appealing to content providers if they offered something in return. YouTube might be exempted from data caps or metering, allowing unlimited use, if Google compensated the operator for every byte consumed ..Operators could also prioritize YouTube traffic over other video on their networks to earn their fees, though such policies could easily run afoul of net neutrality.
[Comment - France Telecom is actually talking - here - about surcharging the subscribers for improved QoE and sharing these revenues with Google]
- cache YouTube and other Google content closer to subscribers, essentially extending Google’s content delivery networks (CDNs) into the mobile network
- video optimization or traffic shaping .. Operators could take optimization one step further—and here’s where it gets controversial—by dynamically upgrading and downgrading video quality as network congestion levels on the network change
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