The Malaysian government unveiled "..
the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) to transform Malaysia into a high income economy, hence identified 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) including the Communications Content and Infrastructure (CCI) which is sponsored by the Ministry of Information, communications and Culture".
The initiative includes the EPP9 program
"The EPP9 on Smart Network is aimed to address affordability and quality of services offered by service providers through the implementation of smart network features by network facility and service providers in providing differentiated pricing based on service prioritization, usage cap, and application specific packages to users"
"SEMINAR ON SMART NETWORK #1/2011 Understanding and Challenges" -
Broadhop announced "
its support for the Entry Point Project on Smart Networks (EPP9) .. Muhammad Ismail Ahmad, Director of BroadHop, APAC Malaysia,
presented real world Policy 2.0 use cases including the ability to offer services based on nights and weekends, usage metering, Pay per Use, shared quota, Parental Controls, Tiered Services, Facebook and Streaming Application Plans, Video Optimization and Steering, RAN Congestion Management, 3rd Party Sponsored Services and Machine-To-Machine services"
See "
BroadHop Announces Support for Malaysian Entry Point Project on Smart Networks" -
This is really good news every country should to give children the right to education, Those countries whose children will be educated is sure to develop.