A post by Vijay Sankaran (pictured), NSN, discusses whether we will face this problems in LTE as well:
"Will signaling require as much resources and attention in LTE as it has in 3G? The short answer is: Definitely not! . . . .maybe. The “Definitely not!” part of the answer comes from the point that LTE is structured quite differently from HSPA, and so LTE signaling is handled differently .. However (and this is the “maybe”), it’s important for us to emphasize that we don’t have the end to end LTE smartphone environment in place yet, since by and large, the end device is still missing" : The good news is that through the Nokia Siemens Networks Smart Labs, we’re working with handset manufacturers to ensure that they understand the issues around the generation of excessive signaling now"
See "Will Signaling be a Problem in LTE?" - here
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