In a new report from Infronetics Research, Shira Levine, directing analyst for next gen OSS and policy at Infonetics Research, says that "The worldwide subscriber data management (SDM) market, including SDM software and services for both wireline and wireless networks, is forecast to grow rapidly over the next few years, hitting $1.5B in 2014"
Based on the chart below, the market size in 2010 is expected to be around $400M.
See "Subscriber data management market to hit $1.5 billion by 2014" - here. This repeats a previous forecast see - "Infonetics Research: SDM will integrate with Policy Servers; Reaching $1.5B Revenue by 2014" - here. "The report tracks SDM software and/or services offered by Accenture, Alcatel-Lucent, Blueslice, Bridgewater, Ericsson, Huawei, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia Siemens, Oracle, Redknee, Tata, TechMahindra, and Xeround"