Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sweden: ISPs Cannot Be Forced to Block Pirate Bay

THE LOCAL SE reports that "In a landmark decision, a Swedish court on Friday ruled that the country's internet service providers cannot be forced to block controversial Swedish file-sharing site Pirate Bay. After considering the case for almost a month, the District Court of Stockholm ruled that copyright holders could not make Swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget block Pirate Bay"
Related post - "How will Pirate Bay Avoid Blocking?" - here.

"The court found that Bredbandsbolaget's operations do not amount to participation in the copyright infringement offences carried out by some of its 'pirate' subscribers.

The action was brought by Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music, Nordisk Film and the Swedish Film Industry, who teamed up in a lawsuit last year designed to force Bredbandsbolaget to block the site. They claimed that, unless it blocks Pirate Bay, Bredbandsbolaget should be held responsible for the copyright infringements of its customers". 

See "Swedish court: 'We cannot ban Pirate Bay'" - here.